Are you facing a problem in bioimage analysis?
Have you’ve already spend hours/days on problem-solving and your results are, at best, unimpressive?
You've come to the right place!
Call 4 Help: BioImage Analysis
What is Call4Help?
It's a go-to place for when you need help with your Image Data
Originally a panel-discussion during the NEUBIAS2020 conference in Lisbon 2017, Call4Help has since evolved to its current form:
A website bringing together members of the (Bio-)Image Data Scientist community and life-sciences to present their problems and share their suggested solutions.
Here you can present your case, see other presentations and share your thoughts and hints. You can also find information about upcoming Call4Help events and how to take part in them.
It's simple
Create a presentation, share it with the community and get hints on possible solutions
Step 1
Create a presentation using our template in Google Slides
Step 2
Fill the submission form and share your presentation
Step 3
Get the help you need - during a session or later via #call4help on Image.sc forum
Watch presentations and share your insights
Quantification of cardiac micro-structures on intact whole heart using synchrotron X-ray imaging
Team: Chong Zhang, Patricia Garcia-Canadilla, Hector Dejea, Anne Bonnin, Vedrana Balicevic, Marco Stampanoni, Bart Bijnens, Andrew C. Cook
To ensure all relevant information is available, please ensure that...
Your presentation takes no more than 3 minutes to present
You use our presentation template (we ask that you use Google Slides to facilitate sharing and commenting)
Your presentation includes
An introduction of the project's context to a broader audience
Example images (adapted for projector viewing -- big fonts, minimal text)
List of desired outputs and challenges in order of importance
(optional) Overview of what you have tried so far and where it worked/failed
You submit your presentation using our submission form
If you wish to present your case during the next Call4Help event- Let us know by marking it on your submission form
- Be brief and keep it simple: If you have many questions, please split them into multiple presentations
- Ensure that the images in your presentation are adjusted for maximum clarity of your message (enhance contrast, use colormaps, etc.)
Call4Help sessions during events - how does it work?
- We simply run your problems one by one. Each case gets about 10 minutes - 3' for presentation, and 7' for discussion
- Usually, the audience is very diverse - from life scientists via tool developers to computer vision experts - it gives you an opportunity to pick the brains of experts from many fields, simultaneously
- During a session we make notes using Google Docs. You can find them on this site and add your thoughts also later
- Q: I would like to include videos in the presentation. Is it possible?
- A: Yes, however, to include a video in Google Presentation a video needs to be uploaded. Please use: Insert > Video and follow the on-screen instructions.
Submission Form
Please submit your problem here
Quick links
Events where Call4Help session are organized
4th NEUBIAS Conference
4th - 6th Feb. 2020, Bordeaux
The 2nd Annual Conference of NEUBIAS, gathering the whole BioImage Analysis Community into a multi-faceted event, offers two Training schools, a Working Meeting (Taggathon) and a Large Symposium dedicated to Scientific Developments and Open Tools in BioImage Analysis. [more about the conference]
ZIDAS 2019
18-23 Jun. 2019, Zurich
This one-week school provides a hands-on introduction to image processing and analysis, with an emphasis on biologically relevant examples. You will learn the fundamentals of image analysis, including basic macro programming in ImageJ/Fiji as well as other software solutions. In the first part of the week we will also cover the process of image-formationas it pertains to image analysis: Resolution, correct exposure, point-spread functions, detector noise, Shannon's sampling theorem, and aliasing. All with a clear focus on application in the lab. [more about the conference]
Past events
3nd NEUBIAS Conference
31st Jan. - 2nd Feb. 2019, Luxemburg
The 3rd Annual Conference of NEUBIAS, gathering the whole BioImage Analysis Community into a multi-faceted event, offers two Training schools, a Working Meeting (Taggathon) and a Large Symposium dedicated to Scientific Developments and Open Tools in BioImage Analysis. [more about the conference]
ZIDAS 2018
16th - 20th June 2018, Switzerland
This one-week school provides a hands-on introduction to image processing and analysis, with an emphasis on biologically relevant examples. You will learn the fundamentals of image analysis, including basic macro programming in ImageJ/Fiji as well as other software solutions. In the first part of the week we will also cover the process of image-formationas it pertains to image analysis: Resolution, correct exposure, point-spread functions, detector noise, Shannon's sampling theorem, and aliasing. All with a clear focus on application in the lab. [more about the conference]
2nd NEUBIAS Conference
31st Jan. - 2nd Feb. 2018, Hungary
The 2nd Annual Conference of NEUBIAS, gathering the whole BioImage Analysis Community into a multi-faceted event, offers two Training schools, a Working Meeting (Taggathon) and a Large Symposium dedicated to Scientific Developments and Open Tools in BioImage Analysis. [more about the conference]
ZIDAS 2017
16th - 20th October 2017, Switzerland
This one-week school provides a hands-on introduction to image processing and analysis, with an emphasis on biologically relevant examples. You will learn the fundamentals of image analysis, including basic macro programming in ImageJ/Fiji as well as other software solutions. In the first part of the week we will also cover the process of image-formationas it pertains to image analysis: Resolution, correct exposure, point-spread functions, detector noise, Shannon's sampling theorem, and aliasing. All with a clear focus on application in the lab. [more about the conference]
14-20 May 2017, Germany
Organised by EMBL, the topics of this conference reflect the scientific research carried out by EMBL scientists or bring together long established communities sometimes outside the realm of EMBL research. This platform allows for the exchange of our exciting findings with the international scientific community.
12-17 Feb. 2017, Portugal
NEUBIAS2020 conferences bring together Life-Scientists, Bioimage Analysts, Image Analysis- and Software- developers and other Core Facilities Specialists (e.g. Microscopists) to bridge the gap between Bioimage Analysis developments and know-how, and their use in Life Science. It aims to be a forum to exchange the newest findings, applications and cutting-edge developments in Bioimage Analysis, machine learning, data mining and storage.
Contact Us
Don't be afraid to reach out
ETH Zurich
Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy
ScopeM (HPI F15/F17)
Wolfgang-Pauli-Str 14
8093 Zurich
© 2017